School Discos & Events

Schools, festivals and events...

School Discos...

We love hosting school discos throughout the year, including end-of-term, Easter, Halloween and Christmas. We can fit around your requirements but usually do separate KS1 and KS2 discos lasting around an hour / an hour and half each, with a short break in-between.

What we do...

Our school discos are fully interactive, with every song giving every child the chance to win prizes from our prize table! And if you want, you can see out the party in style with our confetti cannon finale, if you don't mind sweeping up afterwards!

What we bring...

We have our famous star-cloth DJ booth, disco lights, including UV reactive lights if you want the full glow party experience! Plus we have great inflatable props to make Easter, Halloween and Christmas parties look incredible!

Festivals & Events...

We bring Glow Crazy Discos to music festivals like Staxtonbury and other events like the Big Local Family Day in Barrowcliff. We also host parties for venues at Easter, Halloween and Christmas plus midweek party nights at local holiday parks.

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